AMDI was ranked in Top 5 Consultants from Viet Nam Involved in Consulting Services Contracts under ADB Loan, Grant, and Technical Assistance Projects, 1 January 2013–31 December 2017. This is one in many positive reviews from the donors for AMDI.
The ranking was published in ADB’s Philippines Fact Sheet and posted on their website on 24 April 2018, a week before the 51st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in Manila and once again confirms the position and capacity of AMDI in consultancy area in Vietnam. ADB Fact Sheets summarize the most recent and current ADB-assisted programs in member economies, ongoing challenges, and future directions.

These awarded contracts of AMDI during 5-year period of 2013 – 2017 were to provide consultancy services in the areas of education, industry and trade with a total budget of $2.63 million.
Mr. Ngo Cong Chinh – Director of AMDI
“We are proud to be among the top 5 Consultants from Viet Nam Involved in Consulting Services Contracts under ADB Loan, Grant, and Technical Assistance Projects” said Mr. Ngo Cong Chinh – Director of AMDI. This is the results of 5 years of AMDI’s efforts to create breakthroughs in consulting activities in Vietnam. We are proud of our team’s hard work and creativeness and we are grateful for our partners and consultants, who have contributed to today AMDI’s success. We believe that it is our commitment to the best consultancy services, maximizing the cost of our customers, quality and excellence that sets us apart from the others for the vision to become a leading institute which provides professional services in consulting, researching, education and training in Asia”.
At present, AMDI in consortium with other partners have been implementing 3 projects financed by ADB: the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Tourism Infrastructure For Inclusive Growth Project (2016-2021) with the total value of $ 2.1 million; Second Lower Education for the Most Disadvantaged Areas Projects - Phase 2 (2016-2022) with a total value of nearly $ 2 million; Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary Handling in Greater Mekong Sub-region Trade Project (2015-2018) of nearly $ 1 million; LCASP26 Project: Research on biogas technology improvement and effective biogas utilization by value chain (2018-2019) of nearly $ 1 million..