As an important first activity after initiation of the Consultant Service Contract on 24 October 2016, the Joint Venture of AMDI and PRIMEX (Philippines) together with the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) of the Second Lower Secondary Education for the Most Disadvantaged Areas Project (LSEMDAP II) under MoET organized the Project Scoping Visioning and Teambuilding Workshop (PSVT) on Friday, 11th November 2016 in Trade Union Hotel, Hanoi. Participants from the CPMU, international and national consultants and representatives of AMDI and PRIMEX are participating in the workshop.

The workshop aims at (1) providing the Consultant Team members and the CPMU a clear understanding of the project goals, objectives, strategies, scope (interventions and activities), as well as its current status; (2) clearly defining CPMU’s expectations of the Consultant Team and delineating the duties and responsibilities of the consultants and their counterparts; (3) defining task assignments of the individual consultants and their government counterparts; (4) clarifying working relationships and lines of reporting and coordination, including communication protocols, within the Consultant Team and with CPMU; and (5) agreement on project priorities, scheduling, and task assignments.

The Workshop consists of plenary and working group sessions, the latter to be based on the project outputs and assigned consultants and their counterparts. The working group sessions separated in different sectors of project including material development, M&E, infrastructure and procurement, school clusters and block grand.

The final overall workplan of consultants was agreed to consolidate in the Inception report to be submitted to CPMU on 24 December, 2016.