
AMDI is seeking a Team Leader for Scaling-Up Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (SWSSHP)



Team Leader (Time-based)

Project Background:

The World Bank-supported Scaling-Up Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (SWSSHP) aims to provide access to improved water supply, sanitation and hygiene services in selected rural and peri-urban areas identified for nutrition convergence and strengthen selected institutions such as the Department of Water Supply (DWS), Department of Public Works and Transport (DPWT) and the Provincial Nam Papas (PNPs) in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion (DHHP) and the National Center for Water Supply and  Environmental Health (Nam Saat Centre) in Ministry of Health (MoH), so as to improve service delivery in an efficient and sustainable manner beyond the project period. The project will adopt an integrated community-driven approach that combines water supply, sanitation, and hygiene and nutrition-sensitive behavior change. The project cycle consists of seven distinct steps: Promotion, Planning, Design, Sanitation, Construction, Post-Works and Sustainability.

The Project will cover households in about 450 villages in 12 districts in 4 northern provinces (Xiengkhuang, Huaphanh, Oudomxay, and Phongsaly), along with health centres and schools – benefiting a total population of approximately 192,000, of which about 73 percent are ethnic groups and 50 percent are women. About 30,144 children under the age of 5 years are expected to benefit. The project will cover about 55 percent of the total beneficiaries targeted under the nutrition convergence approach.

The Joint Venture of Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI, lead firm), National Center for Water and Rural Environmental Sanitation (NCERWASS, member) and BMEC Engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd (BMEC, member) was selected to provide Technical Assistance for Project Management and Implementation for Scaling-Up Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project - SWSSHP). The signed consulting service contract implemented by AMDI-NCERWASS-BMEC Joint Venture is under the procurement package No. C1/CS/07 with 32 man-months, starting from August 2021 to March 2024 with the aim of providing provided strategic technical assistance to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (GoL) in the implementation of the SWSSH Project. This support will include building capacity of GoL staff in participating ministries, provinces and districts and strengthening systems at all levels in order to sustain the gains beyond the end of the project.

Scope of Work:

The Team leader will work under the supervision of AMDI and in cooperation with international experts and the national experts, the Project Management Unit (PMU- the Ministry of Public Works and Transport – MPWT), as well as the Project Implementation Units (PIUs), the Donor (the World Bank) and other implementation counterparts, etc. to implement the tasks of consulting technical support on management and implementation “Scaling-Up Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (SWSSHP)”.

The Team Leader will work in Vietnam and Laos (mostly) on time-based mobilization, starting from November 2021 to December 2024. Mobilization plan follows as work requirements and under the coordination of the Project.

Candidate’s Requirements:

Team leader should have minimum Master degree in civil/water engineering, business administration, economics, or equivalent relevant studies. She/He should have more than 10 years of experience in program or project management, water and sanitation projects or program as a sector specialist and must have been a Team Leader of at least two projects in Lao PDR or in the region. Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview by Lead Firm representatives.

Further information from the Terms of Reference and CV Template can be obtained from the web link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhFeQP9TE5BFgR0ncqKEuJqXo4Ut?e=Pw6SHX or at the address given below:

Attention: Ms. Phan Thi Nhung – AMDI’s Deputy Project Manager

Email: nhungpt@amdi.vn


CVs (following the template in the above-mentioned link – maximum 5 pages) will be received by the AMDI at the address above by 30 October 2021 or until the Firm has completed the selection.