On 4 May 2016, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism officially approved the Joint Venture led by Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI) to receive the contract of “Project Management, Civil Engineering and Capacity Building Support” under the “Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project”
The Joint Venture led by AMDI ranked the first during bidding process for this consulting package and was invited to contract negotiation with Project Coordination Unit on 14 April 2016.

The contract is expected to commence from mid-May 2016 and lasts 48 months to May 2020. Accordingly, the Joint Venture led by AMDI will provide 8 international experts with a total of 27 person-months and 19 national experts with a total of 407 person-months, managing and coordinating the consultant team to implement the project. The total contract value is US $ 2.1 million.
Main content of the contract is to provide consulting services including (1) project management, (2) design and supervise construction of 9 subprojects to upgrade and renovate the infrastructure and roads to the tourist areas, cultural exchange and tourist information centers; and (3) capacity building for the Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project.
In the previous phase of this project, AMDI also won a contract to provide 32 training courses of capacity building for staff of tourism management agencies, businesses and individuals working in the field of tourism. Along with technical consulting contracts of more than million euros for the Vietnam Human Resource Development in Tourism Sector Project and Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism Capacity Development Programme (ESRT) funded by EU, AMDI has become a leading consulting firm in the field of Tourism in Vietnam. Since 2013, AMDI has consecutively been the successful bidder of USD multi-million projects from high-profile clients and partners such as the European Union, Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB), United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), USAID, etc. AMDI is proud to be the first domestic consulting firm awarded consulting contracts with value of more than USD 1 million which were previously awarded for international consulting firms only. In addition to the fields that AMDI has extensive experience such as Tourism, Trade, Education, Health and Climate Change, AMDI also pays attention to other developmental fields in Vietnam which donors are interested in including energy and green development. The geographical coverage of consulting activities by AMDI has been extended beyond Vietnam territory with projects in Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. Currently, AMDI is also seeking for opportunities in Myanmar and Nepal.
With experience in implementing dozens of million-dollar projects, familiar with procedures and regulations of donors and owning a network of thousands of leading experts in different sectors, AMDI has become one of the first choices for Project Management Units and donors seeking for prestigious consulting firms in Vietnam.