On May 31st, 2017, the Joint Venture of Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI) and Labor Supplying and Training Company Limited (LETCO) signed the contract with the ODA-funded Vocational Training Projects Management Unit under General Department of Vocational Training to supply the consulting service for the package DT04A “Vocational Teachers Training for Materials Development” under “Skilled Enhancement Project” funded by Asian Development Bank and Government of Vietnam.
In the context of intensive integration, the industrial economy requires the workforce to obtain knowledge and high professional skills, to be capable of utilizing tools, machinery and the technology. While natural resources and other resources are limited and increasingly on the verge of exhaustion, qualified human resources are the most powerful weapon to win the competitiveness among economies. Education and training are the decisive elements in human resources quality, especially high quality human resources and teachers are the key factors directly affecting human resources training. Therefore, in order to improve the human resources quality, quality of teaching staff should be enhanced first.
The “Skilled Enhancement Project” project with expected funding resource of 78 million USD and execution period from 21st September 2010 to 31st August, 2017 solves the Government’s concern for education and training in general and vocation training in particular. The project includes 3 main components and different sub-components, the “Vocational Teachers Training for Materials Development” conducted by Joint Venture of AMDI and LETCO is under the sub-component of enhancing teacher quality. The main aims of the bidding package are: (i) to enhance vocational teachers’ capacities to develop and use learning materials and assessment tools appropriate for the skills standards of 15 VCs in the project, (ii) to develop a model to be used for in-service training to upgrade teacher’s skills in developing learning materials and assessment tools, (iii) to develop a network of skilled assessment tool developers to contribute to test item banks for skills assessment centers.
The main duty of the consulting service is to design a training program, training documents for developing and use of new materials and assessment tools for each occupation under the project and to cooperate with CPMU to organize training courses for 280 trainees from vocational institutions inside and outside the project with the same training occupations.
Before, AMDI has awarded 02 packages under the Skills Enhancement Project on “Consulting service for Enterprise-based Training/Training Levy Study” and “Organizing abroad study tour for vocational trainers”, which continues to affirm AMDI’s prestige towards investors on training consultancy fields. Additionally, with the experience of organizing hundreds of training sessions for various projects and providing technical consulting services to major donors, AMDI believes that the Package will achieve the expectations of the involved parties.