In July 2016, Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI) officially signed the consultancy contract for the second phase of the Component 3 “Community-based disaster risk management - CBDRM” of the Disaster Management Project (VNHaz-WB5) funded by the World Bank. The project implements in 100 communes of 10 provinces in the Central of Viet Nam including Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Da Nang, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh and Ninh Thuan province. The contract duration is 30 months and lasts to early 2019.
After signing the contract, AMDI has quickly mobilized the consultant team who have rich experience in CBDRM, communication, institution, monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The consultancy team directly works with the Central Project Management Office (CPMO) and the Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) and commune authorities in implementing all project activities. Consultant team will support PPMUs to conduct disaster risk reduction (DRR) preparedness plan with participation of community; monitor project activities; organize communication activities to increase awareness of local people; guide and consult how to use and update the M&E system. The consultancy team keeps regularly contact with PPMUs, receive frequent updates and progress reports through email, and organizing regular and unexpected field trips to 100 communes of 10 provinces.

The consultancy team supported and participated in the workshop “Assessment on results of the first phase and guidelines for the second phase of the Component 3 of the Disaster Management Project” in Da Nang city, on 5th August, 2016 (Photo by Bui Thi Mai, AMDI consultant).

Mr. Dang Van Tao – the consultancy team leader presented the detail plan consulting communes and provinces to implement project activities in the workshop “Assessment on results of the first phase and guidelines for the second phase of the Component 3 of the Disaster Management Project” in Da Nang city, on 5th August, 2016 (Photo by Bui Thi Mai, AMDI consultant).
By implementing comprehensive DRR activities including structural and non-structural measures, the project will contribute for reducing vulnerability of local people in communes and increasing capacity of disaster risk prevention, response and reduction. Lessons learnt and good experiences will be shared to other provinces and non-government organizations through the Disaster Management Working Group, Climate Change Working Group as well as conferences and workshops on CBDRM. Since that, practical experiences will be shared and applied suitably for Viet Nam condition.
To become the sole technical consultancy organization for the second period Component 3 “Community-based disaster risk management” of the Disaster Management Project which contributes to implementing the Decision 1002 of the Government of Viet Nam about CBDRM, AMDI once again confirms the lead organization in the field of research and consulting on disaster risk reduction and climate change in Vietnam.
Any queries related to the project, please contact to Mr. Ngo Cong Chinh, email:, Director of research center for disaster risk reduction and climate change, Asian management and development institute.