In April 2016, the Joint Venture of Asian Management & Development Institute (AMDI) and INCLAM S.A (Spain) officially signed the contract providing technical assistance consultancy services for Water resources monitoring and Hydrometeorology under Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Project (M-IWRMP) funded by WB. The contract is implemented in 2 years, from 2016-2018.
The overall objective of the assignment is to provide services to support the PMU in management of Component 2 and 3 implementations to deliver the component’s outcomes in the timely manner and in conformity with current requirements and legal regulations of the Government of Vietnam as well as the World Bank. The specific tasks of the Consultant include: Provide technical assistance and consultancy to the PMU in construction and upgrade of water resource monitoring stations and hydro-meteorological stations in the Central Highlands and the Mekong Delta; Assist the PMU in all aspects related to procurement and contract management; assist MONRE and the PMU with reporting, budgeting, and financial management.
After signing the contract, AMDI and its partner have quickly mobilized the consultant team who have intensive experience in the hydro-meteorology, water resources management to implement project activities in the inception phase.
In over 4 months of implementation (April to September 2016), AMDI has supported PMU in preparation and implementation of various outputs; of which the most significant ones are conducting the field trip and the field trip report; the inception report, the TORs, REOI for FS additional surveys and updating FS packages; These outputs are all highly appreciated by the PMU and the WB in term of quality as well as the implementation progress.
As planned, in the next 6 months, the JV Consultant continues to implement the project activities under the overall work plan and the 2-month plan approved by the PMU to ensure deliver the project’s outcomes in the timely manner.
With the role of the key member in the JV, providing the majority of consultants (6 out of 8 consultants) and undertaking most of work volume, AMDI once again confirms its reputation and experience delivering consultancy services, project management in the field of hydro-meteorology and water resources.
Up to now, AMDI has been a leading consultant firm in Vietnam which was selected for providing technical assistance and project management for large-scale projects in the field of development by the World Bank, ADB.
With the total capital up to USD 30 million, M-IWRMP is the second project in the region World Bank financed Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Program. The objective of the Project is to develop the capacity of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National Mekong Committee, and relevant provincial agencies to manage trans-boundary water resources and climate risks through river basin approaches and improved water resources data collection, analysis, and exchange thus contributing to the implementation of integrated water resources management in the Lower Mekong Basin for sustainable economic, social and environmental development. The project will be implemented in the Mekong river basin part of Viet Nam, and the implementation duration of the Project is 5 years (2014-2018).
The project consists of 01 management component and 03 implementation components as follows: Component 1: Support for the Institutional Development of Integrated Water Resources Management in the Vietnam Part of the Sesan-Srepok Basin; Component 2: Establishment of a Water Resources Monitoring Network at the Border Areas with Cambodia and Lao PDR in the Lower Mekong and a Water Resources Information System for the Vietnam Part of the Lower Mekong and Component 3: Strengthening the Hydro-Meteorological Information Network, Flood Forecasting and Warning System in the Central Highlands.